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  • WM Recorder Bonus Bundle
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
WM Recorder Bonus Bundle
  • WM Recorder Bonus Bundle
  • The #1 Recorders for Streaming Video & Audio

  • 제조사 : Applian Technologies Inc. Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 3503
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The #1 Recorders for Streaming Video & Audio

Record Every Popular Streamed Video
Format - Automatically!

동일계열 제품


Easy, Powerful and Convenient

WM Recorder 14 is the easiest, most powerful way to record millions of video and audio files from the internet. Just open WM Recorder, play your video or audio, and it's saved automatically.

Record the Most Formats and Protocols

With WM Recorder 14's ability to capture Flash Video, no other package can record everything WM Recorder does. All the popular streaming formats are supported:

  • Flash Video (HTTP and RTMP)
  • Windows Media™ (HTTP, MMS and RTSP)
  • Windows Media™ DRM (plays according to DRM restrictions)
  • Real Audio™ and Real Video™ (HTTP and RTSP)
  • MPEG
  • QuickTime™
  • Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast™)

Please note: WM Recorder does not support Adobe Secure RTMP Measures. If it can't be recorded with WM Recorder, try WM Capture, which will capture video from ANY site.

Highest Possible Recording Quality

Since WM Recorder captures the identical data that is sent to your PC, your recordings are saved as perfect reproductions of the original stream. This results in media files on your PC that are of the highest possible quality. You can watch or listen anytime you like, even without an Internet connection.

Pause, Rewind and Fast Forward Live Streams

WM Recorder 14 can do some amazing things with live Flash-based audio and video. For radio stations like BBC, and many streaming TV services, you can pause and resume live playback, rewind for an instant replay, or fast forward back to the live part after a pause.

Advanced Features

As you get to know WM Recorder, you'll appreciate these advanced features:

  • Automatic Recording
  • Built-in Scheduler
  • Video and Audio File Converter option
  • Turbo Recording - record streams at up to 5x speed.
  • Record password protected videos.
  • Record at the highest quality
  • Works with slow dial-up connections.
  • Record multiple streams at once.
  • Resume recordings.
  • Split and merge recordings.
  • Watch commercial free from some popular TV/Movie sites.
  • Pause and rewind live streams.
  • And more!
WMRecorderBonusBundle,WM,Recorder,Bonus,Bundle, ApplianTechnologiesInc.,Applian Technologies Inc.
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