기업을 위한 IT 전문 파트너
  • Universal Subscription
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
Universal Subscription
  • Universal Subscription
  • 포괄적인 소프트웨어 개발 패키지

  • 제조사 : DevExpress Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : BACX
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동일계열 제품

  • Universal Subscription

새 페이지 1

DevExpress Universal helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. It includes Desktop Controls (WinForms, WPF, UWP and Desktop Reporting), Web Controls (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and Core, Bootstrap Web Forms, JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue, Web Reporting and Blazor), Frameworks & Productivity Tools (XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI, XPO - ORM Library and CodeRush - Visual Studio Productivity & Refactoring) and Enterprise & Server Tools (Dashboard and Office File APIs). It also includes TestCafe Studio, Xamarin.Forms UI Controls, Native Mobile UI Controls, Icon Library, Priority Support and Source code for all controls and libraries.

DevExpress Universal Features

Desktop Controls

WinForms - With over 190 controls, the DevExpress WinForms Subscription has everything you'll need to create high-impact business solutions for the Windows Forms platform.
WPF - The DevExpress WPF Subscription ships with over 130 UI Controls and Libraries allowing you to build Microsoft Office inspired and data analysis application.
UWP - Deliver elegant, touch-enabled applications on Windows - the platform you know and love.
Desktop Reporting - The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.

Web Controls

ASP.NET - Server-side ASP.NET Controls - the toolset combines versatile controls and straightforward development model.
ASP.NET MVC and Core - These ASP.NET MVC optimized extensions share much of the core code with the ASP.NET controls.
Bootstrap Web Forms - A new generation of ASP.NET controls written from scratch to support Bootstrap themes and adaptivity.
JS - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue - A fully integrated JavaScript mobile development framework so you can create store-ready, multi-device applications across platforms and devices.
Web Reporting - The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.
Blazor Components - UI components (including a Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Scheduler, Rich Text Editor and Charts) so you can design rich user experiences for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms.

UniversalSubscription, DeveloperExpress, 디벨로퍼익스프레스,Developer Express,DevExpress
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
  • Office 365
  • CCT