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  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
  • Swedge & RocPlane Combined Packages

  • 제조사 : Rocscience Inc. Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 9050
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P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
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Swedge & RocPlane Combined Packages

바위 경사면의 표면 웨지(wedge)의 기하학과 안정성을 평가하기 위한 분석 도구 Swedge.

납작한 바위 사면의 안정성 분석 및 실질적인 인터랙티브 소프트웨어 RocPlane.

동일계열 제품



3D Surface Wedge Analysis for Slopes

version 5.0


Swedge 5.0 is a quick, interactive and simple to use analysis tool for evaluating the geometry and stability of surface wedges in rock slopes. Wedges are defined by two intersecting discontinuity planes, the slope surface and an optional tension crack. Swedge provides an integrated graphical environment for fast, easy data entry and 3D model visualization.


Swedge 5.0 offers an extensive array of analysis options including Deterministic, Probabilistic, Combinations, Sensitivity, and Persistence analysis.

For a Deterministic analysis, Swedge computes the factor of safety for a specific wedge. For a Probabilistic analysis, statistical input data can be entered to account for uncertainty in joint orientation, strength and other parameters, and a probability of failure is calculated. For a Combination analysis, any number of joint planes can be defined, and Swedge will compute all possible combinations of joint intersections which can form a wedge.

Rock bolts, shotcrete or support pressure can be applied to increase the wedge safety factor. De-stabilizing forces due to water pressure, seismic loads or external forces can also be easily modeled. Joint shear strength options include Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis or Power Curve models, and a joint waviness angle can be defined.

Swedge 5.0 provides improved integration with the Dips program. A complete Dipsfile can be imported into Swedge and analyzed with the Combination analysis option; or statistical joint set information (Fisher Distribution) can be imported for a Probabilistic analysis.

Dips is a program for the graphical and statistical analysis of structural geology data using stereonets; click here for more information.


Planar Sliding Stability Analysis for Rock Slopes

version 2.0


RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability analysis and design. RocPlane makes it easy to quickly create planar models, visualize them in both 2D and 3D, and evaluate analysis results. RocPlane contains many helpful features that allow users to rapidly build, modify and run models.



RocPlane also includes functionalities for easily analyzing results, generating figures and charts, and producing convenient summaries of models and results. The report generation features of RocPlane are especially useful to engineers when writing reports with high-quality, and professional-looking drawings and diagrams. They help slope designers to readily communicate findings to people with varying slope engineering knowledge.

Swedge5.0RocPlane2.0,COMBINEDSOFTWAREPACKAGES, Rocscience,RocscienceInc.
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