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  • BullseyeCoverage
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
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P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
Win 영문 for Windows w/ 1year update subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   1,447,600 1,404,700 견적요청
Win 영문 for Windows w/ 2year update subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   1,650,000 1,600,500 견적요청
Win 영문 for Windows w/ 3year update subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   1,760,000 1,707,200 견적요청
Win 영문 for Windows Renewal w/ 1year update subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   385,000 374,000 견적요청 주문
Win 영문 for Linux Renewal w/ 1year update subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   385,000 374,000 견적요청 주문
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코드 커버리지를 측정하는 도구

BullseyeCoverage는 C++, C 코드 커버리지 측정 도구입니다.
BullseyeCoverage는 테스트 노력을 집중하고 검토해야 할 분야를 정확하게 제공하여, 신속하게 정보를 사용할 수 있습니다.

단위별 테스트, 통합 테스트 및 최종 배포에 사용하기 유용하며, BullseyeCoverage를 통해 보다 안정적으로 코드를 작성하고 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다.

동일계열 제품

  • BullseyeCoverage


BullseyeCoverage Measurement Technique

Some products report several similar code coverage measures and leave you to work out which one you should look at. BullseyeCoverage solves this problem by reporting only the best two measures: function coverage for quickly assessing overall coverage, and condition/decision coverage for detailed testing.

BullseyeCoverage Usability

Our goal is to make BullseyeCoverage as automatic and easy to use as possible. We do the best thing, we do it simply and we do it right. The effort we put into usability ranges from simple uncluttered coverage reports to the organization of our documentation.

The Coverage Browser uses an intuitive web browser style interface. We strictly follow the Windows application user interface guidelines to ensure a short learning curve.

Supported Platforms

BullseyeCoverage supports a wide range of platforms. In addition to the platforms listed below, we can work with you to add support for a new platform.


Premier Technical Support

We provide only premier level technical support. When you send a request for technical support, you will not receive an automated response telling you to wait. You will usually get an answer and a resolution or workaround within one day.

Turbulence in the C++ Code Coverage Market

While other coverage tools come and go, Bullseye Testing Technology has remained in the code coverage analysis market since 1990. After a company is bought, sold, or reorganized, their code coverage tool is not usually the top priority. We are here to stay and code coverage analysis is always our top priority. Below is a history of changes in the C++ code coverage market. See also the Testing FAQs Boneyard.

BullseyeCoverageforWindows, Bullseye,BullseyeTestingTechnology
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
  • Office 365
  • CCT