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  • Xtreme Chart Pro for VB ActiveX
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Xtreme Chart Pro for VB ActiveX
  • Xtreme Chart Pro for VB ActiveX
  • 윈도우 환경의 소프트웨어 개발자를 위한 최적의 차트 라이브러리

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  • 제품번호 : 8809
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윈도우 환경의 소프트웨어 개발자를 위한 최적의 차트 라이브러리

Xtreme Chart Pro™ 2011 is an advanced chart library for Windows environment software development. The Chart Pro control brings the chart to virtually every development platform for Windows. The Chart Pro controls are easy to understand and can be implemented in only a few lines of code, but it also provides a rich set of classes for customization and enhancement

동일계열 제품


Xtreme Chart Pro™ 2011 is an advanced chart library for Windows environment software development. The Chart Pro control brings the chart to virtually every development platform for Windows. The Chart Pro controls are easy to understand and can be implemented in only a few lines of code, but it also provides a rich set of classes for customization and enhancement

Standard Bar Chart

A bar chart displays data with rectangular "bars" with lengths relative to the data they symbolize. Generally a bar chart is used to display discontinuous data (data that has a discrete value), however it can also be used for continuous data. Examples of discontinuous data would be "car color" or "tire size", examples of continuous data would be "population" or "age". 

2D Pie Chart

A pie chart displays a series of data as "slices" of a "pie". The data in the pie chart will be divided up into slices, each represents a percentage of the pie. The size of the slice will be proportional to the data it represents and each slice will be combined to represent some whole value. 

Standard Point Chart

A point chart displays data in a grid using Cartesian coordinates. Data is displayed along the x and y axis, where x and y can represent any type of data. A point chart is also referred to as a plot or scatter chart. 

Standard Area Chart

An area chart is very similar to a line chart. Data is displayed using different colors in the "area" below the line. Each series of points is represented with a different color. Area charts are commonly used to display accumulated values over a period of time. 

Line Chart

A line chart is is used to show a series of data points connected by straight line segments. Charts of this type are generally used to illustrate trends in data over a period of time. 

High Low Financial Chart

A High Low Financial Chart used to display trends for financial data, generally stock market prices. A Stock\Bar chart is similar to a Candlestick chart, but is considered harder to read for stock market analyse. The stock\bar chart displays the high and low, open and close of data. Each "bar" represents the high, low, open and close of data for a given value. The relationship between these bars is important in determining trends among stock prices. The "open" and "close" values are displayed as "tick" marks on the side of the bar, the "high" is the tick mark on the right and the "low" is the tick mark on the left of the bar. Buying pressure is indicated with black bars, where the close is greater than the previous high. Selling pressure is indicated with red bars, where it's close value is lower than the previous close value. 

Funnel Chart

The Funnel chart displays a series of data in a funnel shape. The top portion of the funnel will typically contain the largest percentage of the data, while the bottom will "funnel" down to the smallest percentage, however the funnel will allow data to be added in any combination to suit your needs. The size of the funnel sections are all relative to each other and the order does not matter. 

Flow Graph Control

The Flow Graph control is also included with the chart, which is a graphing control used to display relationship graphs. This control can be thought of as a tool to visually display the relationships for a relational database. 

The control consists of "Nodes" that can be thought of as tables in a database. The Nodes contain "connections" (fields of a table). The connections can have many "connection points" that can be used to link the connections between different nodes (i.e. linking an invoice table to a customer table via a connection). 

Nodes and connection lines can be dragged around the graph allowing the user to fully customize the look of their relationship diagram. 

The control also supports undo\redo edit operations in the case you allow the nodes to be moved, renamed, connections added\removed, etc. 

Several different zoom navigation functions allow the control to zoom to a specific node, zoom to a range of nodes, zoom to selection and fit ti the window. 

Page transitions can be used to transition from one database to another.

XtremeChartProforVBActiveX1DevLic,Xtreme,Chart,Pro,for,VB,ActiveX,1,Dev,Lic, CodejockSoftware,Codejock Software
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