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  • WAPT
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  • WAPT
  • 웹 서버, 웹 사이트 및 인트라넷 용용프로그램의 테스팅 툴

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웹 서버, 웹 사이트 및 인트라넷 용용프로그램의 테스팅 툴

WAPT 5.0 is a load and stress testing tool that provides you with an easy-to-use, consistent and cost-effective way of testing web sites, web servers, and intranet applications with web interfaces. You may test and analyze the performance characteristics under various load conditions to find bottlenecks of your web applications. WAPT has a set of features to test web sites with dynamic content and secure HTTPS pages. It provides informative test results through descriptive graphs and reports.

동일계열 제품

Today thousands of businesses worldwide face the challenge of establishing their web presence - a goal difficult to achieve without efficient web site development and testing tools. Why is load and stress testing is so important? Most performance issues arise only when the server is stressed with a high user load. This means that you should perform load testing to know how many concurrent visitors your site can serve flawlessly. It can be difficult to organize such testing without the help of a group of real users. The right way is to use advanced automatic load and stress testing tools. WAPT can simulate up to several thousands real users to check the performance of your site and find any bottlenecks. WAPT is designed for Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT/2000 XP/Vista. It is competitively priced and does not require expensive hardware to run. If you have been looking for an easy to use yet powerful web load testing solution, look no further.
, SoftLogica
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