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  • HyperACCESS
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
  • HyperACCESS
  • HyperACCESS is the official FULL-POWERED upgrade from HyperTerminal and HyperTerminal Private Edition

  • 제조사 : Hilgraeve Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 7796
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HyperACCESS is the official FULL-POWERED upgrade from HyperTerminal and HyperTerminal Private Edition

HyperACCESS is the official FULL-POWERED upgrade from HyperTerminal and HyperTerminal Private Edition. It is the product from which HyperTerminal and HyperTerminal Private Edition are derived. HyperACCESS offers a wide array of additional capabilities, with a similar look and feel. HyperACCESS gives you these and many other advantages:

Many additional terminal emulators and file transfer protocols. For a complete list, please visit our Technical Specifications page.
Record and play back logons and repetitive steps with VBS (Visual Basic Script)
Redefine keys and add your own buttons to the toolbar with text or bitmap labels
Automate communications with Visual Basic, VBA, C++, or other languages

For companies that rely on PCs for terminal communications with mainframes, mini-computers or host computers, HyperACCESS is the one terminal communications solution that is still aggressively developed, supported and sold by the original authors. While many other manufacturers have sold or discontinued their terminal communications software, Hilgraeve has continued to improve and refine HyperACCESS, while adding the features our customers have requested. In the latest version, Hilgraeve has added new features and improved compatibility with the latest technology, including:

HyperACCESS is 100% 32-bit code and built with the latest development tools to ensure full compatibility with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP.
An improved Application Programming Interface (API) let you drive HyperACCESS from Visual Basic, VBS, VBA, C++, or Java.
Display improvements that permit users to expand the terminal view to occupy more of the screen, and prevent the image from following the cursor as it shifts out of view.
Includes new options to support host-controlled printing.
HyperACCESS fully supports Windows NT roaming profiles.
, Hikgraeve,Hilgraeve
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