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Stem Cells

Here is an experiment. You are watching human stem cells dividing. And dividing. And dividing. So far as we know today these are the only cells in the world that can keep dividing and dividing and dividing ... Indefinitely. The only cells in the world, in other words, that are immortal

동일계열 제품

  • 줄기세포


Stem Cells

Take your students inside James Thomson's laboratory at the University of Wisconsin where stem cells were first cultured to learn why this breakthrough is so important in the 21st century. This new 2007 updated DVD will help you show your students what stem cells are, how they are cultured, why they offer such potential for the future of our health and welfare. The program addresses both the science and the ethical dilemmas that accompany this advance in biology. Includes Hawkhill interviews with pioneers in stem cell technology and in stem cell ethics.

  • Read the script for Stem Cells.
  • Download a short clip of Stem Cells (approx. 3.6 MB download, Quicktime Version 3.0 or higher required)
  • Need a second opinion? Read the review of this video.

    Closed captioned. Secondary, College. Copyright 2007.

  • 줄기세포, HawkhillAssociates
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