기업을 위한 IT 전문 파트너
  • @RISK Standard (ESD)
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
@RISK Standard (ESD)
  • @RISK Standard (ESD)
  • The World's Most Powerful Risk Analysis Tool!

  • 제조사 : Palisade Corporation Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 7505
유사 기능 제품
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The World's Most Powerful Risk Analysis Tool!

You make decisions every day. Where to invest, what product to produce, which vendor to use, what price to charge - the list is endless. You probably base your decisions on whatever data you have on hand - historical costs, competitors' prices, vendor estimates, etc. But how often do you have full, complete information? Prices change, demand fluctuates, costs rise. It's easy to make the wrong decision if you don't take all possible scenarios into account. Making the best decisions means performing risk analysis. And there's no easier, more powerful solution than @RISK, the world's most widely used risk analysis tool!
, PalisadeCorporation,Palisade Corporation
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
  • Office 365
  • CCT