기업을 위한 IT 전문 파트너
  • Precision Tree Industrial
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
Precision Tree Industrial
  • Precision Tree Industrial
  • Decision Analysis in Microsoft Excel!

  • 제조사 : Palisade Corporation Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 7495
유사 기능 제품
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Decision Analysis in Microsoft Excel!

PrecisionTree® is the Decision Analysis Add-In for Microsoft Excel®. Build decision trees and influence diagrams directly in your spreadsheet! Create diagrams easily by selecting cells in your spreadsheet and clicking node buttons at the PrecisionTree toolbar. Enter probabilities and payoffs directly in cells in your tree. With one click, PrecisionTree will run a powerful decision analysis on your model, determining the best way to proceed with your decision.
PrecisionTreeIndustrial, PalisadeCorporation,Palisade Corporation
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
  • Office 365
  • CCT