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  • FlowChartX Standard
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
FlowChartX Standard
  • FlowChartX Standard
  • 제조사 : MindFusion Ltd Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 6253
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다이어그램/플로우차트 개발 도구
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What’s New in V4.X?

Boxes whose Style is set to bsShape can be rotated
Spanning table cells
Logical measure units can be set via the MeasureUnit property
Grid graph layout implemented by the GridLayout class
Export SVG drawings
Clipboard and undo operations affect hosted ActiveX controls
SelHandleSize lets you set the size of selection handles
Groups of table rows can be expanded or collapsed
SelectionOnTop specifies if selected items are painted on top
GetArrowAt method added
Memory usage decreased with about 50 bytes per diagram item
Modification cursor is displayed while modifying an item
SvgExporter does not export invisible items anymore

What's New in V3.2.4

Anchor points for tables and table rows
Defining custom printer paper sizes
Tooltips for arrows
WindowFrame specifies the window frame style of hosted ActiveX controls
AllowUnanchoredArrows property added to the FlowChart class
The “table relations” and “flowchart” Behavior styles allow drawing links between different types of nodes
The FlowChartX source code has been ported to the VS2003 version of the ATL library
What's New in V3.2.3

Importing Visio XML Drawing files
Exporting Visio XML Drawing files
PaperSize property added to PrintOptions
EnableImages, EnableInterior, EnableShadows and EnableText properties added to the Overview control
Improved support for displaying ActiveX controls hosted in boxes in the print preview window
ButtonImages allow changing the icons of the expand/collapse buttons
The DrawMark event allows custom drawing anchor points whose style is set to msCustom
What's New in V3.2.2

optimized SpringLayout works 3-4 times faster now)
CellTextColor allows setting the color of cells’ text
KeyboardFlags helps handle keystrokes filtered by some ActiveX containers
The Print dialog allows choosing a page range
HitTestPriority allows changing the hit testing order
Many new ESelStyle styles implemented
custom drawing and hit testing of selection handles
SelStyle and Length properties added to the Arrow class
MergeUndoRecords allows moving a number of records from the undo/redo queue into one composite record
What's New in V3.2

Radial layout algorithm
Clustered layout algorithm
TimeLimit property added to LayeredLayout
CompactFactor property added to LayeredLayout
Root property added to all layout classes
ExpandBtnPos now allows placing the +/- button at all sides of a box
The new fOverrideTreeExpanding bit in EventFlags allows overriding the default expand/collapse processing
RerouteArrows specifies when to re-route arrows
MinimizeRouteSegments property added
Arrows end points can be made to snap to node outline points by setting the SnapToNodeBorder property
Performance of arrow painting code has been improved
PutInContainer and RemoveFromContainer methods added
bhDoNothing value can be assigned to Behavior
saSelected value can be assigned to ShowAnchors
ArrowText and BoxText properties added
What's New in V3.1.1

Boxes and tables now expose the Constraints property. It allows setting constraints on the direction in which nodes can be moved interactively and applying minimal and maximal size to nodes. This property does not prevent position and size to be changed programmatically.
Measures property added to FlowChart. Currently it allows changing the threshold value used when hit-testing arrows.
What's New in V3.0

GDI+ graphics engine with support for antialiasing and semi-transparency
More image file formats supported by SaveToBitmap
Unconnected arrows, I.e. arrows that are not connected to nodes
Support for XML serialization via the new XMLWriter and XMLReader classes
Auxiliary 'Overview' control
PicturePos now supports more picture alignment styles
ScrollRate property added
SetArrowStyleForPoint method added to AnchorPattern
BeginInplaceEdit and EndInplaceEdit methods added
FitSizeToText method extended to support more text formatting styles
New-line characters are now processed when laying out text in fit-to-polygon mode
ArrowAnchoring property added to layout structures

FlowChartX provides more than 70 predefined box shapes, as well as user designated and custom-painted boxes. Both images and text can be placed inside boxes. Customizable fonts and colors and multiple arrow styles let you customize the appearance of a chart. Other layout features include an alignment grid; shadow effects; scrolling and zooming; locking; z-order; and pen styles.

The control's programming model comprises more than 200 methods, properties and events. The objects in a FlowChartX diagram can be enumerated through several collections - based on the object type and selection state. The diagrams relationship hierarchy can be traversed through 'incoming/outgoing arrows' collections available for the boxes and tables.

Every object type available in FlowChartX is exposed as a COM class with properties and methods controlling its look and behavior. Through these classes the FCX objects can be programmatically moved and resized, locked in place, repositioned in the Z-order, grouped and attached; their text, color, font, style and other visual attributes are exposed as properties.

A brief description of the basic FlowChartX types follows below:

Boxes can represent classes in class-hierarchies, flowchart elements, icons in network diagrams, etc. They can hold both graphics and text in different fonts, sizes and colors. Box objects can have any polygonal shape. There are more than 50 predefined box shapes. Apart from them FlowChartX offers you very easy and quick way to define your own shape as you like it. Furthermore boxes support two forms of custom painting. The first type gives you full control over the painting, while in the second one your painting code is performed additionally to the basic painting.

Tables can be used in database diagrams as well as in any other kind of charts that need table representation. They display grids of cells and every cell contains text. Cells, columns and rows can be customized in various ways there are properties available for setting their extents, style and text alignment. Tables dimensions can be programmatically changed; inserting, appending or deleting rows and columns can be done in a very comprehensive, intuitive way whenever you might need it. Tables can also display background images and graphics. The file formats supported are BMP, GIF, JPEG, ICO and WMF (same applies for boxes).

Arrows are used to represent various types of connections and relations in diagrams. FlowChartX offers three basic arrow-types:

poly-line arrows composed of straight-line segments
curved arrows composed of Bezier-spline segments
arrows composed of horizontal and vertical segments, alternating their orientation so that every segment is perpendicular to its neighbor
Each arrow has to be connected to a box or a table object. You can use transparent boxes on any side of an arrow to make it appear as hanging. Some customizable arrows properties are: tip styles, colors, text, pen width and style, modification behavior and number of segments.

FlowChartX is written in C++ using the ATL libraries to implement the needed ActiveX control interfaces. The source code is included in the site-wide version, and also is optionally available with the single-developer version.
FlowChartXStandard, MindFusion,MindFusion Ltd
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