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  • SmartPurger
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  • SmartPurger
  • SmartPurger - Script for AutoCAD

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SmartPurger - Script for AutoCAD

SmartPurger is a batch and script processing utility for processing multiple AutoCAD drawings with full control.

동일계열 제품

  • SmartPurger


SmartPurger is a batch and script processing utility for processing multiple AutoCAD drawings with full control.  SmartPurger handles crashes so the script continues to the end and leaves bad drawings. This is extremely useful before backups and distribution of drawings. Many purge settings available. The file's modified time stamp can be restored. SmartPurger comes with full 32-bit and 64-bit compatibility, something that is not available for AutoCAD's free ScripPro making it a good alternative.

The free trial without license file is fully functional except that you can only batch process 3 drawings per session to give you the chance to confirm that the program works as expected. When you purchase you can use SmartPurger with no limitations.

Contact us for a license to activate the time limited fully functional version for free.

SmartPurger is useful if you want to minimize the size of files before a backup or before sending drawings by e-mail, burning to CD or just to use as a quick viewer of drawings. You have options to save the files to a separate folder or to a different drawing version.

SmartPurger can execute custom script files (.SCR) or AutoLISP files (.LSP, .FAS or .VLX).

You can set up SmartPurger to run different AutoCAD applications for different drawing file versions. Optionally specify the profile to be used when starting AutoCAD.

From a real project: 1773 drawings and a total size of 526MB in 2000 DWG format become 218MB in 2004 DWG format. Conversion and purging was made totally unattended. SmartPurger can without problem process 10,000 drawings and more.

You can run audit, zoom extents, create preview icons. Convert between versions. Purge Blocks, Dimension styles, Layers, Linetypes, Mline styles, Shapes, Text styles, Plot styles, Page Setups, Filter states, Layer states, Layer manager states (Express Tools), Line objects without length, Text objects without text, embedded VBA code, registered applications collections, Anonymous Groups, Groups. It's possible to restore the date and time of the file to what it was before the scripting. Delete .BAK and other temporary or garbage files. And much more.

Remember that this is a very powerful tool and make sure you understand and know what you do when you use it. Read the manual before you run it. Try on some test files/folders as a start. To be on the safe side make sure you have backups before you run.

If AutoCAD's -PURGE command crashes AutoCAD because it runs out of memory (FATAL ERROR: Out of memory - shutting down) when purging Regapps make sure to use the purge option "Purge all registered applications collection" instead. It can take really long time (from some minutes to some hours) so set the timeout to max value (100000) and leave it running during the night. Sometimes it can help to unload the xrefs on all drawings you want to purge from Regapps otherwise they just keeps coming back. Create a small lsp file with this code and run it first on all drawings.
(command "._-xref" "_u" "*")
After that you can run the files, purging the Regapps. Remember that all nested xrefs has to be run.
Then run a lsp file that loads the xrefs again using code like this:
(command "._-xref" "_r" "*")

Since release 2.6 you can use the option "Purge Regapps using ASDKCleanRegAppARX.arx (2004-2008)". Thanks to James Maeding that provided it. This is much better than the other options "Purge all Regapps" and "Purge all registered applications collection". Layer filters too are purged with this option.


   Click here to download the free trial of SmartPurger 3.0.4 32-bit (1.96 MB) (Released 2009-12-07)

   Click here to download the free trial of SmartPurger 3.0.4 64-bit (2.00 MB) (Released 2009-12-07)

The above downloads are also valid for existing customers.

Download the previous version 2.8 (1.35 MB) (Released 2009-02-02)

System requirements

Tested for AutoCAD 97 LT up to AutoCAD 2010 LT (LT only supports a limited number of functions), AutoCAD r14 up to AutoCAD 2011 and ADT 3.3 and ADT 2007, ACA 2008, ACA 2009, ACA 2010 (AutoCAD Architecture 2010), ACA 2011 (AutoCAD Architecture 2011). All flavors should be working. Vanilla AutoCAD, ACA, ADT, ABE, ABM, ABS, AMEP, LDD and MDT has been tested.
32-bit and 64-bit supported. An AutoCAD based application is required to run SmartPurger.     


Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 have been tested. 32-bit and 64-bit supported.

SmartPurger, JTBWorld.
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