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  • Compare for Visual Basic
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Compare for Visual Basic
  • Compare for Visual Basic
  • 소스코드 비교 유틸리티

  • 제조사 : Aardvark Software, Inc Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 3231
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소스코드 관리 유틸리티
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P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
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소스코드 비교 유틸리티

It is a fact that reviewing code by comparison is one of the best ways to ensure quality. When programs are modified, bugs often creep in. It is a difficult and time consuming task to review an entire program when changes have only been made to a few routines - and which routines? Compare allows you to quickly zero in on the procedures and code lines that have been changed. It does this by first breaking each file into procs. Then the procs are compared. This eliminates many false matches. It does not matter if the order of procs has been changed - even if procs are added or removed. Within each file, many types of non-significant differences can be eliminated. These include leading, embedded and trailing blanks; case; comments, even line numbers. For display, there is an option to only show the procs that have changes - and only the changed lines within them.

동일계열 제품

  • Compare for Visual Basic

Comparison - Show what lines have been changed (added, deleted and unequal) and what lines have not been changed (equal). Also, see what lines have not been considered in the compare process (ignored). This can help you zero in on the non-cosmetic changes in your code. Ine Numbering - For ease in reference, lines may be numbered, either by procedure or for an entire file. Lexible Display - You may arrange the display view with horizontal windows, vertical windows or a combined window. The result makes it very easy to see changes by code line, by procedures, or between code files. Ustomization - Compare lets you choose your own display fonts, as well as styles, background and text colors to emphasize the changes between the compared code files.
CompareforVisualBasic, AardvarkSoftware,,Aardvark Software, Inc
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