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  • BMI/BTF (BACnet MS/TP Interface for BACnet Test Framework
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BMI/BTF (BACnet MS/TP Interface for BACnet Test Framework
  • BMI/BTF (BACnet MS/TP Interface for BACnet Test Framework
  • BACnet Test Framework

  • 제조사 : MBS-Software Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 3124
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BACnet Test Framework

BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks) is a world-wide communication standard for components and devices for building automation and energy services and management.
Published as an american national standard in 1995, BACnet developed to become a world-wide norm according to ISO 16484-5 (communication standard) and ISO 16484-6 (test standard for conformance testing). With various products, services and solutions since 1999 MBS offers a wide range of highly qualified support for integration jobs with BACnet as well as helping to develop BACnet-implementations for Vendor specific solutions.

동일계열 제품

  • BMI/BTF (BACnet MS/TP Interface for BACnet Test Framework


BACnet Test Framework




The BACnet Test Framework is a software to test BACnet devices on conformance to the BACnet standard. Furthermore, this software is used as the official European test tool by the BACnet test laboratory "WSPLab" in Stuttgart.


The software supports the latest BTL-Testplans, released by the American working group BTL-WG. A comprehensive API with over 370 BACnet-functions allows the programming of own test  procedures, based on the programming language  Python.


Furthermore, the software can be used for quality assurance for continuous testing of BACnet-devices, a complete automation of the test steps is possible.

BMIBTFBACnetMSTPInterfaceforBACnetTestFramework, MBS-Software
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