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  • Magic Bullet Denoiser
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Magic Bullet Denoiser
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Don't settle for noisy video. Magic Bullet Denoiser does it all?professional results with no fuss. Traditional noise removal methods can blur fine detail, but Denoiser's advanced technology retains definition while eliminating noise.


State-of-the-art video noise reduction, out of the box

Don't settle for noisy video. Magic Bullet Denoiser does it all—professional results with no fuss. Traditional noise removal methods can blur fine detail, but Denoiser's advanced technology retains definition while eliminating noise.

Reasons To Buy

  • Don't end the shoot because the sun's gone down. High ISO settings or high gain that might otherwise cause too much noise can be easily fixed with Denoiser.
  • Make archival or amateur video with noise artifacts look acceptable for broadcast
  • Unique motion estimation feature works with different kinds of camera movements
  • Enhance video shot in dark environments such as concerts or nightclubs Smooth noisy green- and blue-screen backgrounds so you can pull better keys

No Noise, No Fuss

Apply Denoiser and get results immediately. Tell Magic Bullet Denoiser whether camera motion is slow or fast, set a single slider, and you're ready to go. Denoiser is faster than After Effects' built-in de-noising feature, and yields superior results with less blurring and better preservation of fine details.

High-Quality Results

Noisy, grainy footage distracts viewers from the story you're trying to tell. Don't worry about low light: keep shooting, knowing that you can make that video clean and smooth when you're safely back indoors. Magic Bullet Denoiser delivers results that surpass the rest.

Powerful Motion Estimation

High-speed camera movements require different handling than slow pans. Denoiser compares successive frames to learn what's natural motion in the scene and what's noise, preserving detail even in fast-moving action sequences. If you'd like to fine-tune the controls, you can set sample frames, change offsets, or enhance shadow or highlight regions.
MagicBulletDenoiser1.0, RedGiantSoftware,Red Giant Software
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
  • Office 365
  • CCT