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  • InputPanel for WinForms
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InputPanel for WinForms
  • InputPanel for WinForms
  • New paradigm to create and maintain data forms

  • 제조사 : ComponentOne Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 1811
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New paradigm to create and maintain data forms

ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms is the new paradigm to create and maintain data forms. It is a container control that can be placed on a Windows Form to help you create powerful data input applications.

동일계열 제품

  • InputPanel for WinForms


ComponentOne InputPanel for WinForms offers many rich features such as the following:

  • Easy Setup

Drop the C1InputPanel component on your form, connect to a data source, select the record set and an input component for each field is automatically created for you. All fields and corresponding labels are consistently aligned for you. A navigation bar is also added to the form for end-users to navigate the record set at run time.

  • Universal .NET Data Binding

InputPanel for WinForms can universally bind to any .NET data source and with little or no code at all, allowing you to create a fully-navigational database browser in seconds.

  • Automatic Tab order

Make a change to your data form without worrying about restructuring the entire form ? add components and move them around on the form without throwing off the form’s structure. InputPanel for WinForms' automatic tab order makes this possible. At design time, InputPanel for WinForms automatically establishes the tab order. So at run time, end-users can tab from entry to entry for fast and friendly editing experience.

  • Accelerator Keys

When the form is populated with fields from a data source, accelerator keys are automatically generated. InputPanel provides a key accelerator editor to manage any newly added accelerators to fix any duplicates.



  • Adjust the Layout with One Property

You can effortlessly adjust the layout. By default, the data automatically flows from row to row. You can break the flow by setting just one property. For example, you can break the row to a two-column layout. By just modifying one property, the new layout shows two columns and the components remain aligned. Without the flow management functionality provided in InputPanel for WinForms, you would have to move each component one at a time, and then realign the components.

  • Enhance your UI with Microsoft Office 2007 Styling

InputPanel for WinForms supports Visual Styles that mimic the styles available in Office 2007 including Blue, Silver, and Black.

  • Interactive Components with Graphical Effects

The appearance of each field at run time is customized when you move the mouse over the component, press it, or disable it. No extra steps are required for these graphical effects.

  • Scrollbars Automatically Added if Needed

InputPanel for WinForms automatically adds horizontal and vertical scroll bars when the form is resized, if needed. This feature is available at both design time and run time.

  • Validation and Error Handling

When the end-user enters invalid input, a customizable visual alert is automatically provided. A red frame appears around the input component. You can also add custom alerts such as ToolTips. For example, you can allow your end-users to only enter alpha characters, and show an error indicator when any other character is entered.

  • Manage your Tasks in One Editor

InputPanel for WinForms enables you to re-arrange the items in the panel, add new items, and format the items. To efficiently manage these tasks, there is an InputPanel Collection Editor. The collection editor is easily accessible from the context menu or smart tag.

Designer enables you to select the data source for the panel, create all the input components, and edit individual components (add/remove/set properties).

For more information about the designer see, C1InputPanel Designer.

  • Spatially Arrange Components on the Form

To spatially arrange your components on the form, simply adjust the component's padding. You have the freedom to increase and decrease the spacing between components while the components remain neatly aligned. You can also use the HorizontalAlign or VerticalAlign properties for this purpose.

  • Add ToolTips for an Elevated User Experience

You can easily add graphical elements such as ToolTips at design time. The ToolTipText property has an editor where you can enter your ToolTip text and add images as well as HTML formatting.



  • Simple data binding at design-time

C1InputPanel control has a DataSource property that can be set at design-time to automatically generate the built-in components used for data-entry.

  • Simple, fast, and flexible layout logic to flow individual input components within the panel

C1InputPanel provides layout logic to flow the individual input components within the panel. The basic mechanism is a flow layout with optional dividers. Within the layout, the panel will control the focus/tab order, etc.

InputPanelforWinForms,InputPanel,for,WinForms, 컴포넌트원, apex, 아펙스,ComponentOne
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