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  • ASPxperience Suite
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ASPxperience Suite
  • ASPxperience Suite
  • 제조사 : DevExpress Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 0433
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The ASPxperience Suite is our next-generation collection of web development tools designed to bring advanced capabilities including navigation, data layout management and application flow control into web applications.


The ASPxperience Suite is our next-generation collection of web development tools designed to bring advanced capabilities including navigation, data layout management and application flow control into web applications. It has been written from ground up to extend your development arsenal with components that natively support the ASP.NET 2 Framework and provide complete out-of-the-box AJAX support.

Controls included into the ASPxperience Suite generate minimum possible HTML code, can load scripts on demand, optimize style usage, provide full client-side API where appropriate. These and even more features are implemented in our shared web development framework which is the base for every web component we produce. Please refer to the Shared Framework Features page for more information on these features as well as reasons why controls from the ASPxperience Suite have no equal in the marketplace.

As of today, the ASPxperience Suite includes almost twenty ASP.NET components. Please use links in the navigation bar to learn more about each included product.

We know that when it comes to web development libraries, you have numerous choices in the marketplace and we also know that each control vendor claims that their library is the best. Fact is that with so many options and so many claims, it can be difficult to tell truth from fiction. Of course, once released, we will offer a trial version so you can fully evaluate this product and like all other Developer Express products, we will warrant it with a 60 day no questions as money back guarantee.

To discover features of controls included into the ASPxperience Suite, you can try them online in our online demo center. To download trial versions of our ASP.NET components, please visit our download center.

ASPxperienceSuite, DeveloperExpress, 디벨로퍼익스프레스,Developer Express,DevExpress
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