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  • C++ Builder Enterprise
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C++ Builder Enterprise
  • C++ Builder Enterprise
  • C++ 코드를 지원하는 개발 툴

  • 제조사 : CodeGear Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 0087
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C++ 코드를 지원하는 개발 툴

C++Builder provides a rapid application development (RAD) environment and tools to help you create 32-bit Windows applications. This package combines the visual development environment of Delphi with cached, pre-compiled headers and incremental/smart linking to provide fast-turnaround cycles while developing your projects. Also provides a visual development environment with database connectivity.
C++Builder's design incorporates most Delphi interface and development components, but generates C++ code for projects, forms, units, and database modules. C++Builder contains two compilers, a C++ compiler and an Object Pascal compiler. Along with the code generated by C++Builder, the C++ compiler accepts all the code you have created with Borland C++ 5.0x. Similarly, the Object Pascal compiler compiles all Object Pascal code generated by Delphi 2.0.
In addition, C++Builder uses the same Visual Component Library (VCL) components as Delphi, which you will find on the C++Builder Component palette.
C++빌더, C++BuilderEnterprise6.0, BorlandCorporation, 볼랜드,Borland Corporation,CodeGear
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