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  • PaintTool SAI
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
PaintTool SAI
  • PaintTool SAI
  • 고품질 및 경량의 페인팅 소프트웨어, 완벽한 디지타이저 지원, 놀라운 앤티 앨리어싱 된 그림, 쉽고 안정적인 작동을 제공

  • 제조사 : Systemax Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : B656
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고품질 및 경량의 페인팅 소프트웨어, 완벽한 디지타이저 지원, 놀라운 앤티 앨리어싱 된 그림, 쉽고 안정적인 작동을 제공

PaintTool SAI is high quality and lightweight painting software, fully digitizer support, amazing anti-aliased paintings, provide easy and stable operation, this software make digital art more enjoyable and comfortable.

동일계열 제품

  • PaintTool SAI

새 페이지 5


- Fully digitizer support with pressure.
- Amazing anti-aliased drawings.
- Highly accurate composition with 16bit ARGB channels.
- Simple but powerful user interface, easy to learn.
- Fully support Intel MMX Technology.
- Data protection function to avoid abnormal termination such as bugs

PaintToolSAI, Systemax
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