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  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
  • 2D 역학 및 2D PlaxFlow 모듈을 포함한 PLAXIS 2D프로그램

  • 제조사 : Plaxis Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 8326
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P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
Win 영문 Plaxis 2D Flexible w/VIP Service(One Year) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 16,606,700 16,108,400 견적요청
Win 영문 Plaxis 2D VIP (Annual Fee) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   2,200,000 2,200,000 견적요청
Win 영문 2D Dynamics (동적 해석 옵션) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 3,850,000 3,850,000 견적요청
Win 영문 1 Year Subscription 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   5,500,000 5,500,000 견적요청
Win 영문 2D PlaxFlow (침투 해석 옵션) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 3,850,000 3,734,500 견적요청
Win 영문 2D Thermal (열 해석 옵션) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 3,850,000 3,734,500 견적요청
Win 영문 2D Dynamics VIP (Annual Fee) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요   2,750,000 2,667,500 견적요청
Win 영문 2D PlaxFlow VIP (Annual Fee) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 2,750,000 2,667,500 견적요청
Win 영문 2D Thermal VIP (Annual Fee) 현 시점 최적가로 견적을 받아보세요 2016 2,750,000 2,667,500 견적요청
    위 가격은 부가세를 포함한 가격 입니다.
  • 견적 및 주문을 진행하시려면 로그인이 필요합니다.
  • ‘주문’이 활성화 되어 있지 않은 제품은 ‘견적요청’을 해주시면 현 시점 최적가로 제공 해드립니다.

2D 역학 및 2D PlaxFlow 모듈을 포함한 PLAXIS 2D프로그램

지반 공학의 변형과 안정성의 2차원 분석을 위한 유한 요소 패키지를 구성.
지반 공학용으로 개발된 강력하고 사용화 친화적인 유한 요소 패키지로 전문가들이 첨단 건물의 복잡한 프로젝트를 분석하는데 필요한 도구를 제공합니다.

지반 응용 프로그램은 토양 및 바위의 비 선형, 시간의존과 비등 방성 행동의 시뮬레이션을 위한 고급 모델을 필요로합니다.

동일계열 제품




* New and imroved in PLAXIS 2D 2011:

  • Design Approach:
    -A convenient facility to help Plaxis users set up an Ultimate Limit State (ULS) calculation, in a generic way such that any safety approach based on partial factors can be easily introduced. (Eurocode 7, LRFD, etc.)
    -A more structured and efficient way of modelling since you can store a coherent set of partial factors for loads and materials in one location.
    -Design approaches can be easily applied during the definition of phases to make an ULS calculation in addition to a Serviceability Limit State (SLS) calculation
    -Easy exchange of design approaches between different Plaxis projects due to the possibility to  import/export a defined DA.
  • Bending Moments: Assign (clockwise and counter-clockwise) bending moments at a specific point on a plate, via the point load tool
  • Preview Calculation results: A convenient preview option is available to check model and calculation settings in a graphical 2D or 3D environment. Since calculations can be quite time consuming, it is important to check the model carefully before starting the calculation process.
  • Sekiguchi-Ohta model (VIP): A Cam-Clay type effective stress model for the behaviour of clay-type soils. Inviscid model for time-independent behaviour
  • Improved Parallelization allowing for even faster multicore computing (VIP)


* Modelling:

  • Logical geotechnical workflow
  • Easy-to-use graphical user interface
  • Automatic recognition of soil layers
  • Structural elements; plates, geogrids and anchors
  • Unlimited combinations of point forces and distributed loads
  • CAD import facilities
  • Advanced soil models: compression and shear hardening, creep behaviour, cam-clay model, elasto-plastic behaviour for structural elements, Hoek Brown model, Small strain stiffness method
    Soil test


* Calculations:

The Staged constructions mode enables a realistic simulation of construction and excavation processes by activating and deactivating soil  clusters and structural objects, application of loads, changing of water tables, etc. The well-proven PLAXIS calculation kernel distinguishes between a Plastic calculation, a groundwater flow and consolidation analysis, and a Phi-c reduction analysis. These can be performed with Updated Mesh to take into account large deformations.

  • Convenient and intuitive Phase explorer
  • Realistic assessment of stresses and displacements
  • Automatic regeneration of construction stages
  • Well-proven and robust calculation procedures


* Results:

An Extensive range of facilities exists within the PLAXIS Output program to display the results of a finite element analysis.

  • Contour, shading, iso-surface and vectors plots
  • Extensive report and movie Generator
  • Animations
  • Curve Manager
  • Hint Boxes
  • Resulting Force View




PLAXIS2D, Plaxis
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