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  • Express SpreadSheet
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Express SpreadSheet
  • Express SpreadSheet
  • Windows/Linux 플랫폼을 지원하는 스프레드시트 컨트롤

  • 제조사 : DevExpress Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 2622
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스프레드시트 컴포넌트
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Windows/Linux 플랫폼을 지원하는 스프레드시트 컨트롤

The wait is finally over - you can now introduce advanced spread sheet functionality into your next software project with the ExpressSpreadSheet, the first cross-platform spread sheet control built from the ground up and fully optimized for both Windows and Linux operating systems.

Like other Developer Express technologies, the ExpressSpreadSheet offers you power and simplicity of use. With only a few property settings, you can enable a wealth of features and give your end-users an incredible degree of control - the same control they have come to expect from full featured spread sheet products such as MS Excel. From a vast array of built-in functions to runtime customization - from cell merging to multiple display styles - the ExpressSpreadSheet has all the capabilities you've been looking for in a cross-platform spread sheet control.
ExpressSpreadSheetCrossPlatformControl, DeveloperExpress, 디벨로퍼익스프레스,Developer Express,DevExpress
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