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  • ExpressSpellChecker with source
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
ExpressSpellChecker with source
  • ExpressSpellChecker with source
  • 제조사 : DevExpress Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 0475
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철자 확인 컴포넌트
P# OS언어제품구분버전소비자가공급가견적주문
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The ExpressSpellChecker provides you with a straightforward way to add Microsoft® Office® style spell checking capabilities into your next Windows® application and offers you built in spelling correction forms that replicate corresponding forms found in Microsoft Word® and Outlook®. Because these forms were built using our ExpressEditors Library, they will seamlessly integrate into any application powered by Developer Express components.

Features include:

  • Built-in support for Ispell and OpenOffice dictionaries.
  • Using the ExpressSpellChecker, you can check text in standard text editors.
  • If you use Developer Express text input controls, words that aren't in the dictionary can be underlined. The ExpressSpellChecker automatically checks spelling as you type, word by word. This is done in a separate thread without affecting UI responsiveness.
  • Plain text format custom dictionary support.
  • Dictionary dialogs allow end-users to add unrecognized words to a dictionary. As one would expect from this type of control, end-users can build a custom word list as their needs dictate.
  • A choice of two error indication dialogs - both replicate dialogs found in Microsoft Office.
  • Pre-built Options editor.
  • Spell checker options allow you to ignore emails, URLs, mixed case/upper-case words, repeated words and words with numbers within them.
  • You can force the spell checker to start scanning the text from the current cursor position or to check the current selection first.
  • Error correction using a customizable built-in context menu.
  • The ExpressSpellChecker's API includes methods to check an arbitrary string, a text editor's content or all text editor controls within a specified container.
  • You can handle specially designed events to fully manage the spell checking process - including suppression of built-in forms, modification to suggestion lists, skipped words, manual error processing, etc.
(includes the ExpressEditors Library)
ExpressSpellCheckerwithsource, DeveloperExpress, 디벨로퍼익스프레스,Developer Express,DevExpress
인터파크 큐브릿지 IT영업부
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